Difusers on the speakers?

I’ve read hundreds of posts on this forum about room treatments,

Today the following occured to me

  • Many posts talks about room treaments - specifially diffusers - and how their placement benefits sound quality by dispersing/absorbing reflected sound waves
    • my speakers are a rectangular box 10" wide and 40" tall with a very flat front
    • it occured to me that having some type of diffuser (or absorbtion material) on the front of them might improve sound quality

My guess is that speakers with a slightly curved front has a buit in diffuser

Has anyone tried this?

What was the result?

Cheers - Steve



Showing 4 responses by theaudiotweak

2 things..Nextel spray finish Flocking spray..oh and 1 more thing..the EnABl process..All will work..even 1 of these on the drivers. Tom

No I use devices that I build that increase laminar flow on top of the speakers, bottom of the speaker stands and at 4 postions of my Sistrum Rack. Supplemented with my active laminar flow device midway in the room. Tom

Avs Jerry I am associated with 2 websites neither show the laminar device or the music fan nor a planar nor a (di pole fan). A surface pattern treatment patented by Bud Purvine called the EnABL process a type of shear wave thought to be a Rayleigh wave. The pattern can be applied to any vibrating surface including drivers, cabinets and walls to reduce interfering energy. Tom

If you have walls a floor and ceiling and contents of different materials and shapes then laminar flow devices help mitigate the boundary interference induced by shapes while listening to music. Tom