Difusers on the speakers?

I’ve read hundreds of posts on this forum about room treatments,

Today the following occured to me

  • Many posts talks about room treaments - specifially diffusers - and how their placement benefits sound quality by dispersing/absorbing reflected sound waves
    • my speakers are a rectangular box 10" wide and 40" tall with a very flat front
    • it occured to me that having some type of diffuser (or absorbtion material) on the front of them might improve sound quality

My guess is that speakers with a slightly curved front has a buit in diffuser

Has anyone tried this?

What was the result?

Cheers - Steve



Showing 1 response by mitch2


Folks have been surrounding their tweeters with thick felt for ages.

Here is a good source for thick felt to surround tweeters. High wool content, up to one inch thick and either white or grey color. These are already cut into circles and come as large as 8 inches in diameter - so just cut the center out to match your tweeter diameter. Option of adhesive backing.