Different R2R DACs

Several months ago, I bought a used Hono Spring Level 2 DAC to see how R2R would compare against my Mytek Brooklyn DAC+. I like the Brooklyn+ a lot, but, given the other components in my system, I'm thinking about building in a bit more warmth (without losing significant detail). I'm not looking for sweetness or holography. Unfortunately, I was thoroughly unimpressed by the way the Holo Spring Level 2 smeared the music. I returned it within two weeks. Perhaps the unit I bought was defective (though I bought it from a highly reputable seller of used equipment), but it started me wondering how much of the hype surrounding the newer generation of R2R DACs was just that, hype. However, I keep seeing so many glowing reviews of reasonably priced R2R DACS from Denafrips, Aqua, Lampizator and others. So I'm wondering whether I should give them another try. Unfortunately, where I live the only real (suboptimal) option is to audition by purchasing one DAC at a time. Before I start down that road again, I thought I would ask the collective brain of Audiogon about how much of a difference I might expect, as against the Holo Spring level 2, from a new Denafrips Pontus II or used Terminator II, a used Aqua La Voce or Lampizator, or some other R2R DAC under $5K. I don't require require resolutions greater than 24/192 (beyond which I discern no difference). I do like the option of MQA decoding, but it's not a deal breaker. 

The rest of my system (source components aside), at present, include a Parasound JC2 BP preamp, a pair of VTV Purifi mono amps, and Harbeth C7ES-3 speakers.


Showing 3 responses by yuviarora

Copy and pasted from another thread:

Rockna wavelight is one hell of a DAC.

It’s and FGPA R2R DAC that has the clarity of a chip based design, massive soundstage, 3D Layering, and a very accurate timbre. Bass has weight, density, agility, and is very transparent to the source.

You might want to throw that on your list.

Goes up another level if you use a good power cable and aftermarket fuse.


I am using a PC with a modified Matrix H USB card, battery powered, into the Rockna USB input via Silver/Gold foil USB cable. (Roon/HQPlayer DSD 512)

Rockna has the weight and density of an R2R design, with the transparency/Clarity of a chip DAC.

You might want to give it a listen.

@worldwidewholesales  have you had the chance to compare the Rockna wavelight preamp function to a good quality dedicated preamp?

How does it stack up? Please let me know
