Have any of you wondered about some of the comments I see about amplifiers and speakers when you consider what a real live band (especially rock) is using to create their sound. They are using a guitar amplifier and speaker combo, PA quality speakers and amplifiers, various quality uncalibrated microphones, a sound mixing board, lots of cables no self respecting audiophile would allow near their gear and then I see all of this talk about transient response, tube amp or solid state, Class A, A/B or D etc. with no thought about what the original source was capable of producing or how it compares to an actual live performance.
Maybe for purely acoustical instruments with excellent mics and recording equipment one could capture something that would warrant these distinctions but somehow I doubt it. When most of the instruments are electronic and being mic'ed and amplified and played through PA quality speakers you can reproduce the sound best with the same type of equipment. No matter what you do you can't get better than the original source.
Maybe for purely acoustical instruments with excellent mics and recording equipment one could capture something that would warrant these distinctions but somehow I doubt it. When most of the instruments are electronic and being mic'ed and amplified and played through PA quality speakers you can reproduce the sound best with the same type of equipment. No matter what you do you can't get better than the original source.