Differences in CD players? Am I crazy?

Hello, I just recently acquired a TEAC VRDS-25x cd player to replace the 150 dollar DVD player I've been using. This cd player was to be the first step in me upgrading my entire system, from mass market cheapo brands, to entry audiophile. Now Im not sure Im even going to continue.

I cannot, for the life of me, hear the difference between these CD players. I put the same CD into each one, then switch between the sources on my amplifier. My friends have been over, and also can hear no difference.

Admittedly, I have cheaper components. An entry level Kenwood receiver, and cerwin vega speakers, but I was expecting a little more than this, considering this is a two thousand dollar player.

What's the deal here!?

Showing 1 response by brusuz

The real fun with all of this comes when you CAN hear the differences in various pieces of gear, and are left to decide which one, if any, actually sounds better than another. Be obsessed with the music, not the system.