Differences in Audioquest Storm series (Thunder, Tornado, Hurricane)

Hi guys, I'm currently running a Audioquest Niagara 1000 conditioner, Line Magnetic 508IA integrated amp, SOTM Trifecta and a Denafrips Venus. Running the AQ Thunder from wall to the Niagara 1000, and from the 1000 to the integrated amp, AQ Z3 everywhere else.

My question is for those who had experiences with each entry in this line of power cables, how much of a difference does each tier bring vs. the previous one? What would I expect if I upgraded the main cable (wall to Niagara 1000) to the Tornado for example?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by hifiguys

Really?  I haven't found that to be the case.  I'm a long time dealer so grain of salt, but I'm using a Dragon HC on my Niagara, Dragon Source on the preamp and Hurricane HC on my amp.  I find the Hurricanes to be a great value, if you can use that term in this context, but for me the difference between Hurricane and Dragon Hc is all positive, including the bass.  Garth, the designer, feels the same way.  Not to insult you at all but you are using the HC Dragon and not the source on an amp or Niagara, right?  The Source on all of them actually sound better than their HC counterparts if used on appropriate pieces.  Incidentally this is all on my personal system, not demo stuff.