Differences between SR Tesla and Supra Sword

Both these speaker cables get consistently great reviews, and they're in a similar price range.

Can anyone speak to the (in general) differences between them, strenghts weaknesses etc?

Showing 3 responses by joncourage

Clarification Sabai? Are you saying that one is so much better than the other, or that they're so sonically different it's impossible to contrast them against each other in terms of specifics?
Well, I'm still interested in some more opinions. Thanks for clarifying your's Sabai.

My interest in these two cables stems from a decent number of positive input on both, here on Agon "what cables do you recommend" threads, and positive trade publication reviews.

Basically, I'm interested in replacing my AQ Rockefeller, since several system upgrades make me feel the rest of my system has outgrown them.

I'm decided on a trial of the Clear Day dbl shotgun, and wanted input on 2 or 3 others.

I'm not looking for "what is the best" cable, I realize there is no such thing. Just which cables have potential for good synergy in my system, and, opinions on the sonic characteristics behind the recommendations.

Unfortunately I don't have unlimited funds to keep cycling through test drives so I'm trying to leverage all the experience out there to narrow the field.
If I could delete a thread I created, I would have nuked this days ago. Thanks all for helping answer a sincere inquiryI mistakenly posed to a user community I thought would engage enthusiastically in helping a noob, but instead decided it's more important to prove who can piss furthest. Yes, I know there's no "best"; yes, I know everything is system dependent YMMV; yes, I know price is somewhat irrelevant; and yes, I still thought folks might be able to provide their -- subjective -- opinions on the comparative qualities of these cables. At least I know better than to waste my time again in the future. Bravo.