Differences between MM or MC/Recommendations?

I really enjoy vinyl. I have two questions: What is the difference, sonically, between MM and MC cartridges? And, what recommendations can you make for a $1,000 and under retail priced cartridge?
My system: Rega Planar 25, RB600 arm, Rega Super Elys MM cartridge; Phonomena Phono Preamp (which is just about infinetately adjustable for MM and MC, also to be upgraded soon) Musical Fidelity NuVista M3 Integrated Amp; Sonus Faber Grand Piano (not the Home version); CAL Audio CL-20 DVD/CD player; Harmonic Tech interconnects; MIT T2 Biwire cables. I plan to keep everything except the cartridge and the Phonomema Preamp. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by ljgj

There are good units in both types and Twl said things pretty good. If I could add through my experience over the years with both types, though no real generalization can be made due to the enormous offerings in both, I will say that I find most MM's I have used to be warmer in sound and the MC types to have more sparkle and clarity. I prefer most MC's I have used to the MM's but that is just me.