Differences between Link 1, 2 and 3 DACs?

I am looking to buy a Link DAC, but I'm not sure which model to buy, the 1, 2 or 3. I understand version 3 is the easiest to upgrade, but I'm not really looking to upgrade it. The only thing I would want to add would be just an AES/EBU input, not the upgrade with the upsampler board though. Wouldn't it be better to go from a Monarchy DIP to the Link DAC using the AES/EBU jacks rather than Coax?

I can get a Link 1 DAC for about $80, or the Link 2 DAC with a Monolithic HC-2 PSU for about $150... so I'm wondering if I should save the extra money for cables or buy one of the newer DACs.


Showing 1 response by zug

Yes consider the inputs/outputs of the Monarchy. I don't think it has an AES/EBU output, whereas the Audio Alchemy DTI Pro (32) has one (and I've found that the Link Dac does ALWAYS benefit from jitter reduction). But with my Link Dac II, I found that an AES from transport into the DTI Pro, and then a Canare Digiflex RCA cable from the Pro into the Link sounded good. Sometimes the digital cable into the jitter device is more important than the one OUT of the jitter device (very odd but true). In most cases optical does not sound good ever (compared to any coax) but there may be exceptions. In any case I agree with the other advice -- try to just find a Nelson Link used, since it's the easiest/cheapest way to get the whole package that does have an AES/EBU input.