I have MSB Link DAC II and I have MSB Link DAC III !!!!
Basicaly thay arethe same ??? But not realy. Sond is quite similar but I prefer DAC III definitely. Monolith suplly is needed !!!! If you have dejiter than find used MPS, it will make DAC sound much better. Dan take next step and upgrade MSB DAC with better parts inside. There are quite a few to swop that will make huge improvement in sound !!!! Just go for it !!! Use the Linear Tehnology and Analog Devices .
Basicaly thay arethe same ??? But not realy. Sond is quite similar but I prefer DAC III definitely. Monolith suplly is needed !!!! If you have dejiter than find used MPS, it will make DAC sound much better. Dan take next step and upgrade MSB DAC with better parts inside. There are quite a few to swop that will make huge improvement in sound !!!! Just go for it !!! Use the Linear Tehnology and Analog Devices .