Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?

This is perhaps a foolish question, given the subjective nature of this hobby, but is there any consensus regarding differences between the above brands? I’m interested in their "traditional" or "vintage" lines, not the more modern-voiced models.

For example, I’ve read that the Spendor Classic series speakers are, overall, warmer/darker than Harbeths and offer a bit more punch in the bass. If this is true, I would lean toward the former.














Thanks for your input. The Compact 7’s might be worth checking out. 

I'm curious. How would you rate their bass extension in your room? 


Thanks for your input. The Compact 7’s might be worth checking out. 

I'm curious. How would you rate their bass extension in your room? 

The Compact 7's are not for everyone.  I've seen them described as "boring" or too laid back by some, but for me they are about as close to Goldilocks speakers as anything I've listened to.  I'm fairly sensitive to "bright" or "edgy" speakers, but like detail and imaging and soundstage, so they align well with what I like to hear.

It's hard to say how good the bass extension is.  I have a large listening room, but listen close to near field (about 8' from tweeters to listening position).  I also have 4 subwoofers in the room, and haven't done extensive listening without the subs.  I would describe the bass as being plentiful for their size and having nice texture and timbre. 

 I'm fairly sensitive to "bright" or "edgy" speakers, 

Yeah. I can relate. I'm very sensitive in this regard. I recently tried a speaker that many others praise for its non-fatiguing highs. Boy, was I surprised and not in  a good way.  

RE: bass, I was thinking more in terms of lower extension in dBs. 


They only go down to about 45Hz, so don't expect them to make your bowels rumble.  They will produce truthful and tuneful bass, but if you want deep bass, you need to add a subwoofer (or 2 or more).


They only go down to about 45Hz, so don't expect them to make your bowels rumble. 

Yes; Hz, not Db.My mistake. 

I believe my Silverlines were rated @ below 35 Hz. 

Paired with the right amp and DAC, the bass is pretty impressive, given the size of the drivers. I don't know if trading their bass extension for the Harbeths' mids would be an improvement. Unfortunately, I have very little flexibility in terms of potential sub locations.