Differences between ayon 07 vs ayon 07s


     Does anyone know the differences between these two and has anyone heard both of them  and formed an opinion on which they preferred. I have a chance to save $500.00 on the older ayon 07model. Just not sure what to do. Thanks for your time and response...Mainsound
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There does not appear to be much of a "used" market for Ayon in the USA. The OP was 1 year old w/o any replies. That's what I found when I started looking at Ayon gear in Autumn 2015. I ended up calling the two dealers of record: USATUBE and The Cable Company. ...Then, I emailed Ayon directly in Austria and I finally got answers.

Great gear, I have the Ayon 07 CD player and it is excellent. I also have an Ayon Triton III integrated running KT88s ...It blows away all my audio friends. The nights always run long, "can I listen to..." and then we drink too much. It really is great gear, solid and sounds phenomenal.