Difference Maker!

Its been a while since I've posted, but I just had to share the difference maker I obtained today by having my ears flushed at a walk-in clinic.

I'm 58 and know I'm not able to hear what I once could, but wanted to make the most of what's left. And this really helped. I encourage all to consider the thought of an ear "tune up" if you suspect you're hearing is being hampered by simple ear wax. 

Fact is I'm at a point in my life where I've got financially ability and have assembled my best system, a $60k system. What a shame it would be to miss out on what it has to offer by not being able to hear it to the best of my ability! Now on, I'm keeping up with good ear maintenance!

Just couldn't hold back on sharing...

Good listening,

Showing 2 responses by rbschauman

stereo5 -

I think you speak for many when you say "It took me 50+ years to finally get my dream system, only to be held back by hearing loss. Life is not very fair!". So true. If I could only hear the system I have now with the hearing I had in my youth. I too am missing out on the higher end of the spectrum sometimes leaving me doubting my equipment.

I too look back and think how I should have done things differently. Well, I'm stuck with what I have and now will just make the most of it (hearing protection when needed, no more high-volume listening, keeping my ears cleaned).

Thanks for your response. I hope some of the younger crowd takes notice...