Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc?

Interested in user experience with the Siemens e88cc and e188cc. In my rig the Siemens e88cc offers great detail, clarity, imaging, nauturalness and dynamics, but is far less tonally saturated than the Amperex e88cc. Is the Siemens e188cc (forget CCa -- $) better in that regard? How do the Siemens e88cc and e188cc differ in sound?

Showing 2 responses by audition__audio

My listening experience with Siemens in this family is a bit limited, but I never found another tube by Siemens that beat my early 1960s 6DJ8/ECC88s. Didnt like the A Frame 6922s from the 1970s one bit. I believe that I only appreciated the Siemens with the acid etched codes which preceded the tubes with codes inside the tube on a metal tab. 
Thanks for the information! In my 20 years of selling old stock tubes I have never seen this tube nor did I know it existed.