Difference between Luxman L-550A II & L-507u

I was wondering if anyone has heard both of these Luxman integrated amps, and can comment on the sonic differences. I have heard the L-550A II and the bigger 590 and was very impressed. I'm seriously considering getting the 550, but just read about the 507 and am curious. It's not on audition close to me, so wondering if anyone can chime in (and not just a guess about Class A vs. Class AB, but actual experience).

Thank you for the detailed answer. Since you are around both pieces a lot, could you tell me about the heat output? The 550 ran pretty warm, but thankfully not as hot as the 590. How is the 507 in terms of heat? Also, any feeling about the onboard phono stage?
Harbeth has been on of the brands I"m looking at (probably HL5) and Devore (gibbon super 8 or Nines). Thoughts with either Luxman?
I have the L-550IIa and Harbeth SHL5s ... wouldn't trade the combo for anything at this point. Did a lot of searching.
i had a chance to do an A/B comparison between 590AII and 507u, the setup was with a luxman d06 cdp, proac D18 floor standing speaker..the result is quite similar to what Dkasab described above, 590A II was lusher, warmer, slower and thicker sounding than 507u. 507u had better image, faster sounding, a lot better in dynamics and attacks and better detail(i could hear clearly the sound from the backstage)..my speaker is b&w 805s so if i were to get one, i would pick 507u..which was a complete different story when i tried Accuphase e-450/e-550...i'd prefer e-550 a lot more...
Hello Dkasab

I'm same boat, trying to decide between the 505u and the 507u.
I have heard the 505u and like it quite a bit.
But is it worth going to the 507u ? that extra 10w at 8 ohms ?
Thanks for the inputs.