Difference between connecting five pin or RCA to CD player…

So I’ve dug out a very old Naim Nait 5i preamp and want to hook it up to a CD player. I have a 5 pin option or a regular RCA option on the back of the preamp - what is the difference? Don’t have 5 pin cable handy but curious if I’m losing anything without this?

Also, I have a pair of Totem 1 bookshelf speakers that are intended for down the road when I get a Benchmark system…..will the Nait5i drive these without risk of damage?


Showing 1 response by thomastrouble

Thanks spacialking. Maybe it’s my ears, maybe it’s my room or whatever but in the past I’ve bought expensive cables, interconnects etc and honestly I’ve not noticed a difference and I started believing this whole cable thing could be a bit of a placebo but I still have an open mind.