Difference between Burmester 979 and MBL 1521A

In the market for a new transport upgrade from the CEC TL1X. Heard the Burmester 979 in my system and loved it. Less colored than the CEC while retaining the emotion and soul of the music. Also better at the frequency extremes. This is the best that I've heard in my system. Only heard the MBL at the shows and liked what I heard. Has anybody heard them side by side. I wonder if the Burmester belt drive mechanism has the edge in musicality.

Showing 1 response by teajay

Himiguel, I just added the MBL 1521A to my system and I'm delighted with what it has added to the overall sonic performance with my Accustic Arts Tube Hybrid DAC. If you want more details regarding the 1521A's sonics, either go to my review of AA DAC or my system here on the GON.

To answer your question directly, I believe the MBL transport has as much musicality as either the CEC TL-0 or the Burmester 979, but offers much "punch" in the lower end and generally better macrodynamics across the board.