difference beetwen pc audio and hi-end?

If somebody could write about difference between pc audio sound and for example dcs scarlatti,accuphase or emm labs. If for example dcs has 10 level (the best?) so when somebody who knows this (dcs) sound set pc audio (for example:realtek configuration audio HD)what number give this pc sound?, 3? 4?
I know that this very difficult. But if someone can set pc audio to compare a little with hi-end myabe write here . And if someone (like me) never heard dcs what can he hear the difference. If this difference will large,very large or very very large.Sory for my English. I come from Poland (Ancient Audio).
Thank You
In many tests in Poland dcs is the best. Is this really truth? It must be very very good system, but for example there are even more expensive systems.

Showing 1 response by orpheus10

PC is much cheaper. I have gotten improvement in sound for $200. utilizing PC that would have cost a minimum of $1000. before I discovered PC. Yesterday I compared the sound from my "playlist" to a Marantz transport feeding a DTI before going into a DAC, and the only difference was volume. After synchronizing a CD on the transport with the computer "playlist", I was able to go back and forth through the duration of the CD. The only difference was volume; I had to turn the volume up on the "playlist". PC DAC was the Musicstreamer II.