Dielectric grease on connection ends

I was changing a coil on one of my bikes earlier, and as always, applied a light film of dielectric grease on the coil outputs, and on the spark plug boots. A thought occurred to me that this may be a valid application in audio connections as well. A small amount applied with a cotton swab to bananas/spades/rca's etc. may help, and I'm thinking about giving it a go. Was wondering if this has been tried by any other members, and thoughts on the pro/con aspects.

Showing 5 responses by geoffkait

I was assuming (please don’t give the overused definition of assume) that if a component has power that it would be full power, all or nothing if you will. I never thought that cleaning the outlets and pc prongs could make a sonic difference.

Never assume anything. When you ass-u-me something you make an ass out of me and Uma Thurman.

Does someone use a cleaner on them, or just unplug and then re-plug in the power cord a couple of times and the abrasion cleans the prongs?

Use a cleaner and contact enhancer. Hint: Don’t forget the female contacts of the wall outlets. And don't forget the refrigerator, computer, TV, floor lamps, etc.

I tried the Sil-Clear in the past. Like others reported, it’s messy at the very least.

I bought a very nice amplifier used on-line years ago. When I listened to it, it was unimpressive. I took the cover off and went in to clean connections. The upgraded fuses had a slight coating of this crap. I cleaned everything and the sound opened up. I called the previous owner to remark about it, he said, "I liked the sound that way".

My guess is the fuses were in the WRONG direction when you received the amplifier. After you cleaned the fuses you inadvertently reinserted them in the CORRECT direction. The previous owner was probably not into the whole fuse directionality thing.

"He had also screwed around with the bias as well."

I was assuming (please don't give the overused definition of assume) that if a component has power that it would be full power, all or nothing if you will. I never thought that cleaning the outlets and pc prongs could make a sonic difference.

dirty contacts produce micro-arcing. What is is form of noise. Since noise on any circuits in the house can migrate to the audio circuits, best to clean all contacts IMHO.

Does somone use a cleaner on them, or just unplug and then re-plug in the power cord a couple of times and the abrasion cleans the prongs?

clean prongs of all plugs including fridge, tv, computer, etc.

I would be remiss if I didn't add that ALL CONTACTS in the house should be cleaned and enhanced including all non audio wall outlets and power cord plug prongs."

I have to call you on this one. Have you ever cleaned any wall outlet or power cord prong?

what the heck you talkin about?

The best contact enhancer of all time was Quicksilver Gold. Unfortunately it’s no longer available as Brian Kyle of Xtreme AV passed a couple years ago. It’s not for amateurs or folks with shakey hands. 😁 I would be remiss if I didn't add that ALL CONTACTS in the house should be cleaned and enhanced including all non audio wall outlets and power cord plug prongs.