Did you wait more than a year for an Ars Sonum?

Has anyone waited more than a year for an Ars Sonum Fillarmonia from Bobby P?
I didn't have to wait a year but I think I had close to a 9 month wait, and I've had mine for 2 1/2 years now so I don't think there was as much demand back then. It does take a while but I can tell you that:

1. It's worth the wait sonically
2. Two and a half years later I've forgotten how long the wait was, (I had to go back an look at my e-mail). Within a month or two like me, you'll have forgotten about the lengthy wait and just be glad you have it, and have many years of enjoyment to look forward to.

Good luck and hang in there.
Sounds great on my friend's PSB's(he has it on a long-term loan-long story).
As you know, they're handmade by one person and the review turned them into a hot commodity. If you want Merlin's, you have to wait for those too.
From placing the order with BP, and receiving it, it was exactly a year! Are you considering, or have you placed an order yet? In any case, make sure to have something to use in the mean time.