Did you ever had a chance to compare the Elac Navis to the passive UniFi's?


I'm wondering if anyone here were able to compare back to back, or close to that, the active driven Elac Navis series versus the "similar?" passive driven Elac UniFi series.
I'm wondering how much of improvement are the Navis over the UniFi's. Would a Navis kick the UniFi's out of the water regardless of the amp used on the UniFI's? Are they a worthy upgrade?

Showing 1 response by sanvara

Yes, Navis are a significant upgrade over UniFi regardless of amp. Watch John Darko’s review video of the Elac Navis. "ELAC’s Navis ARB-51 are a knockout!" and he addresses Elac vs UniFi at 12:27. He tried expensive amps with UniFi and couldn't get them to sound as good as Navis.