Did I really need a sub woffer in the first place?

I recently added a subwoffer which I thought would enhance the sound of my 2 channel music system. I have a Rotel amp (380 watts) with the matching Rotel preamp and Rotel CD player and Energy Veritas 2.4 speakers. I bought a REL Britannia B1 subwoffer to enhance the bass.

Well now that I have it set up I'm not that happy with what it adds vs what I spent ($1,850). I'm wishing I would have put that money toward a turntable instead.

Wondering if maybe I've just got it set up incorrectly - there are so many adjustments like Mode Switch used to set the phase and to bypass crossover for Low Level input. Also has these switches:

Lo Level
Hi Level
Fine Roll Off
Coarse Roll Off

For an additional $100 the stereo shop will send a guy over to 'tune' the system. Wondering if I'm just throwing good money after bad and maybe I'll cut my losses and sell it here on the Audiogon classified section.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


By the way - I love my Subwoffer I have in my home theatre. Could'nt watch an action movie without it.

Showing 2 responses by shadorne

This speaker is not designed to work with a sub woofer.

The 5 way Veritas 2.4 dual ported design is known for an impressive and weighty base. Energy do not state their THD figures but they do say that 25% THD is acceptable in a high-end speaker and that they do even better than that. I suspect that the ports are tuned somewhere in the 20 to 40 Hz range and account for the amazing bandwidth of these speakers.

This is an excellent design to get all that low end bandwidth, however, the tuned ports, which bring these amazing LF benefits, might bring some drawbacks when you add a very high-end dedicated sub woofer.

See this article on pros and cons of tuned ports;


There is no doubt that the REL 12" woofer should do an extremely accurate job over the ultra low frequencies, after all, it is dedicated just to that task alone and nothing else.

IMHO, I suspect that the tuned ports on the Veritas 2.4 might be masking any audible benefits of a more detailed/accurate ultra low frequency output that you might get from the dedicated REL sub.

BTW I had some Energy Pro 22 speakers in the past - awesome speakers!
Bigjoe and Bignerd100,

I am confused. Which is better?

Putting the sub in Breuning11's listening chair and crawling around on the floor while ajdusting phase and volume for each position.


Sitting in the listening chair and moving the sub all around the floor while changing phase and volume for each position.

The crawling around the floor sounds slightly faster to complete (don't have to move the sub), however, if Breuning11 has a better half and she finds him crawling around the floor with his sub-woofer sitting in his normal chair listening chair ....isn't their a chance she will think he has gone mad?