Did I really need a sub woffer in the first place?

I recently added a subwoffer which I thought would enhance the sound of my 2 channel music system. I have a Rotel amp (380 watts) with the matching Rotel preamp and Rotel CD player and Energy Veritas 2.4 speakers. I bought a REL Britannia B1 subwoffer to enhance the bass.

Well now that I have it set up I'm not that happy with what it adds vs what I spent ($1,850). I'm wishing I would have put that money toward a turntable instead.

Wondering if maybe I've just got it set up incorrectly - there are so many adjustments like Mode Switch used to set the phase and to bypass crossover for Low Level input. Also has these switches:

Lo Level
Hi Level
Fine Roll Off
Coarse Roll Off

For an additional $100 the stereo shop will send a guy over to 'tune' the system. Wondering if I'm just throwing good money after bad and maybe I'll cut my losses and sell it here on the Audiogon classified section.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


By the way - I love my Subwoffer I have in my home theatre. Could'nt watch an action movie without it.

Showing 1 response by chazzbo

Had a abudddy with 35hr @3db B&W's.Though mostvacousticn music you here will not go below low not of electric bass or 40 hrz a sub made his system just right.The problem wioth sun\bs is that good accurate bass is expensive and folks want "to hear thge money" but remember the name of the unit is SUBH-woofer.Do what darkmobeius says and try to get it done relatively quick.You have an excellent sub so that's not the problem but try going into dealer and saying "Hey I dropped some serious change on the Veritas AND the Britania.Now you want to hook me for set up?Telll this to the manager or owner and say you plan to get a table and cartidge and many reputable dealers would charged just nominally for delivery and properly set up and took ity back if they were the ones who said "This wil do "X" and it is not doing it so if they want your table,cartridge,cable biz plus the homne theatre you were thinking of they should backl it up.Tell them you doidn't bring it hhom tom take it for a spin like some 16 year old at a car dealership wanting to take a Pourrsche out for a half hopur you bought it bev\cause they said it would deliver.Under these conditions play hardbvall and try to get a 30 day return.If hi-end dealers want to survive they should back up the goods and servioce other wise Best Buy or CVircut City could just move the box out he door just as easily as and "audiophile salon".I hope it is just plafcement and tuning because I beleive in subs and just like toe-ing justas fgew inches can make a set of speakers snap into focus things will work out.Not just because of the bottom octave of music but to givbe foudation and to "pressurize" the room (soething I believe in though some find it snake oil.Not all all speaker need subs but if your speakers aren't rated to 25hrz or below (most pele can't hear either exterme of 20 to 20Khrz.But before you dump it work it.