Did anyone manage to ``repare'' a buzz, ever?

I have a buzz in my pream. Not a hum (I can cut it off when
I use the 80hz subwoofer crossover). I tried everything known to man to fight it externally (grounds loops, line conditioners, all kind of connections, nightlights, etc.). I strongly believe now that it is an internal problem. I wonder if anyone had experience with any kind of gear with the repare of such ``buzz'' problem. Is it possible to repare and/or worth it? What can cause it internally? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by mzn50

Is all your gear on one plug or circuit, meaning components on one circuit and amps on a seperate. If so, you may have a ground potential issue.(use an extention cord and test by plugging all devices and amps in same circuit) I am presently experinecing the same thing and found cheater worked on my pre-amp and amps, I basically lifted the ground..

Confused about the x-over issue, see if you can borrow the same preamp or another and test.
