Did any Amp help you understand lyrics better?

I am purposely eliminating the obvious aspects of improved resolution of lyrics such as speakers and any type of source as it relates to players, streamers, wiring, cabling, connects, room treatments, TT’s and the assorted do-dads considered "tweaks" people try to sell us.
In your opinion, did any amp or combination thereof, help proliferate the hearing of lyrics that you could not quite catch what they were saying before you switched out your old amplification?

I realize this might be a hard question to answer as "switching out" usually happens with other stuff as well as I have outlined in my first sentence.

I am curious if anyone else has benefitted or noticed something in this regard with just "an amp" change.

Showing 1 response by davkobza

The AGD Audiogon monos clearly excel at this attribute. It was one of the first qualities that stood out for me. Winner.