Diana Krall - New Vinyl - Good sound - Poor Vinyl

I wonder if anyone else that has purchased this record feels like the vinyl is poor. I have cleaned my copy 3 times and still can't get all the ticks/pops/grundge off the record. I also noticed that it has about 25 minutes a side so maybe to much music squeezed onto this one. Anyway I feel it should have been on 2 discs instead of just one for the best possibly quality. The sound quality is great but the vinyl for me is problematic. Anyone else?
It really stinks when a brand new pressing comes to you with ticks and pops. I wonder if they're pulling the same trick as many of the domestic labels and using "recycled" vinyl.

I have nothing against recycling vinyl, but they should at least remove the labels before they grind them up. I'll bet the imperfections you're hearing are tiny bits of paper embedded in the grooves. You'll *never* get them out...

I have the new Diana Krall LP and when I played it on my expensive turntable and
Benz LP cartridge there was tons of ticks and pops. I figured I got a defective record
so I returned it to the mail order place to get another one. When I got the second copy and played it same crap happened. Too much ticks and scratchey noise. Classic records get your act together. Don't you have quality control?
I also brought the record over to my friends house to try playing it on his ultra high end turntable and two channel system. When we tried playing the record same thing happened. On his system there was also too many ticks and pops noise. The sound was decent except for the noise problem. My friend said he won't buy the same recording because of the noise problem. This is the only time I have problem with Classic Records records on vinyl. Maybe the plant that presses the records is using recycled vinyl with the labels all ground up together with the vinyl.
I bought a copy of Diana Krall "From this moment on" from themusic.com. My copy supposed to be from the first stamper and sound good, BUT there are tons of pops, clicks and especially on side B, distortion like the cartridge is mistracking (on quiet or near silent passages !) Sent it back and 3 weeks later got a replacement, and the SAME thing on this one. The music is great, the sound is pretty good but the channel balance (Diana Krall voice, for example) is off ..more to the left channel (I tried on both of my turtables with same result). I hope they will fix this problem !!!!!!
I just sent back my 2nd bad pressing of Classics/ Krall. This was supposed to be the newest pressing and fix the problem with the poor vinyl/pressing. I thought to give them a second try after they took care of the problem, unfortunately, another bad copy ruined classics lp's for me now.

Norah Jones and DK will have to perform on CD for me! :-)
Here in the UK I'm on my third copy of Diana Krall's "Turn up the Quiet" Played it tonight and the surfaces are terrible. Sides A&B have an intermittent scratchy crackle on the right hand Channel (visually it looks okay) Side C has silvery marks and a scratch which sounds. Both records are packed in heavy cardboard inner sleeves which offer very little protection to the record surface, and this causes chaffing to the record during the packing and transport process. However, the crackle on the first disc is common to all the copies I've had so far, so Verve have some serious issues with this release.