diablo 300 vs arc ref 5se + pass labs 350.5 - anyone has opinions to share

has anyone tested or moved between these two sets? 

Showing 1 response by audiotroy

That is going to be a tough one to answer, as the sound quality of separates will also depend on the quality of the interconnects and the two power cords

One main point would be having a tube preamplifier which generally produces a wider and deeper soundstage.

The Pass Labs amplifiers are either beloved or not so much for some they are a bit too warm and lacking in the ultimate definition of the class of amplifiers from Gryphon, T+A, Vitus, Solution etc.

You have an excellent set of components that are well matched perhaps improving your digital or analog sources or making other improvements might get you better results

In our opinion the Gryphon Diablo and any other uber intergrated will be different but not necessarily better than what you allready have. 

The only way to know for sure would be to do a side by side demo, and then I wouldn't rule out also listening to any other contenders for uber intergrateds either.

For example adding Critical Mass footers will greatly increase your macro dynamics, lower your noise floor and increase overall resolution.

There are really many avenues you can try to take your system to the next level power cords, power conditioning. etc.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ