DH Labs Prelude Speaker cable

Good day.  I am looking for new speaker cable and a good friend ( over in the UK ) suggested I take a look at the DH Lab Prelude speaker cable.

He noted its good tonality and timbre while being fairly priced.

I have not been able to locate a site in which to hear it but wonder if any of the fellow goners  have sampled it?



Prelude Cryo - Speaker Cables - DH Labs Silver Sonic

Here's the site. Not sure about what you mean when you say "a site in which to hear it". That's not possible.

I meant a store; like in the old days when we went to audio stores to listen to components before we purchased.


I don't know how that would do you any good, unless of course they let you take it home and try it in your own system.

Not a lot of stores carry DH Labs.  While not exactly a direct to consumer brand, they don't spend a lot on promotion or packaging.  I see their cables in places like Cable Company or Parts Connexion.  Audioquest/Cardas they are not.  Order direct and you'll get your cables in a plastic bag.

I run Q-10s and like them.  Replaced Kimber 8PR and sound a little brighter which I like.  I would think the Preludes would give you same as other copper cables, nothing less. Personally I would go with T-14s, they aren't that much more.

I think their cables are a good value.  No hype or gimmicks or fancy crap, just a good quality cable.  If you go bulk and terminate your own, for some reason they are a bit less expensive on eBay.