DH Labs as the next step?

I just compaired a friends DH Labs Q10 Bi-wires to my Tara-Labs Prism Bi-wires. The DH Labs are just as advertised very smooth and they take the "ariness" out of a lot of the vocals. The Tara's were an awsome upgrade from the original Monster cable. I have a Carver AV-505 AMP driving Energy C-4 speakers. Is there any other cable that I should look into before spending the money for a 12' pair of the DH Labs @ $325? I think my limit for this purchase is around $400 and I also will need a center channel cable. I am not picky about new or used, any suggestions will be appreciated.

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I am going to demo a pair of ZuCable Julian speaker cables. www.zucable.com. I had a very informative conversation, with Sean at ZuCable, regarding their new product line. The recommended termination for there cables are un-coated copper spades. This is a new and interesting one to me, they say that "when your binding post is tightened against the spade a hermitical seal is formed that does not allow for corrosion". They still recommend onec or twice a year cleaning the spades with Brasso or some kind of copper cleaner. 30 day money back guarantee included. I will post a review when I get them (tomorrow). Sean used to be at Kimber.