DH Labs

Hi Just curious if anyone here has compared DH Labs cables to Nordost like in the Frey and Tyre lines , and how they liked or didn't like them. Thanks 




Showing 2 responses by evelyn1

Thanks for posting that link Erik. I built new ic's using that cable and xlr connectors from DH Labs. That cable is also made by DH Labs. The new ic's replaced DH Labs "Silver Sonic Pro Studio Interconnect" which I liked very much. I'm pretty sure this my final set of ic's. This is not an easy project if you're not experienced with stripping and soldering small wires. Just thought I'd throw that in there so that you're forewarned.

I "LIKE" the BL-ag more than the Pro Studio. I'm hearing more of the signal and listening at a lower volume level. Outright saying one thing is better than another is a very contentious thing here. YMMV. While I'm here, DH Labs is labeling this cable now.