Devore vs Harbeth

Can anyone compare these speakers. Harbeth HL5's or c7 to a Devore super 8 or 9. I know what the Harbeth sounds like, but have never heard Devore and there aren't any dealers close.
From reading reviews they sound like they have the same qualities.

Showing 1 response by pdreher

I can't speak to the DeVore's, but I think the notion that Harbeth's need to be driven with a high powered solid state amp is not accurate.

I've driven my Harbeth M-40.1's with the following:

1. Plinius SA-102 (class A SS @ 125 WPC)
2. Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 (integrated SS @ 275 WPC)
3. McIntosh MC275 MKV (75 WPC tube amp)
4. McIntosh MA2275 (75 WPC tube integrated)

The lower powered tubed Mac gear bested the two solid state setups by large margin. Just my experience, YMMV.