Devore vs Harbeth

Can anyone compare these speakers. Harbeth HL5's or c7 to a Devore super 8 or 9. I know what the Harbeth sounds like, but have never heard Devore and there aren't any dealers close.
From reading reviews they sound like they have the same qualities.

Showing 1 response by brm1

My situation is this, main system upstairs, Audio note SEP amp w/coincident peII's. Devore would work well there, if I wanted to change. 2nd system is HT system in basement with a big SS amp...Harbeth would work there. I had C7es3, liked them, but the lack of bass was a concern. The musicality is something I can not forget. The devore idea is more a of an upgrade thought, the Harbeth would be a replacement upgrade so when I get "sent to the basement" I like what I hear. I agree with other thoughts about Harbeth's needing SS amps, they need some juice to sound their best. Defstathiou thanks for sharing.