Devore Nines or Zu Presence for large room

Moving to an apartment in NYC that has a 33x15 living room with tall ceilings. Which speaker would work better?

Showing 3 responses by jetrexpro


I went with Audio Note AN-e with HE woofers. The deciding factors were slightly better dynamics as compared to IMO polite Devore Nines. Corner placement gets them out of the way ~ Wife apporved. Did not have a chance to hear ZU.

When shopping for speakers a year ago I could have lived with Devore Nines for the strengths they possess which for me is a very natural detail retrieval, an inviting beautiful sound and they matched well with my 35 watt amp. The fact they are built a few miles from my apt was icing on the cake. The problem was that as wonderful as they sound I would always feel that I was wanting more dynamics than they were willing to give. When I heard the ANe's I did not hear as much detail retrieval as the Nines but what I did hear was a compelling musicality that I could not turn away from. I am not saying the ANE's blew the Nines away, not at all. ANe were simply a few degrees further in a direction I wanted to go. Truth is I could have lived with either speaker.