Devore gibbon nines look for best amplification

hi everyone .
i looking for the best amplification for my gibbon nines speakers.
im really like to know if someone here heared them with conrad johnson ? and what he think ?
rouge audio ?
and leben?
what is the best comb pre power or integreted? my budget is max 4000$ for used only. any recommendetion please ??

Showing 1 response by johnmcalpin

I have lived with the Devore Nines for over a year now and have been absolutely in love with them.

I heard them in the audition process with Manley, Shindo and one other tube amp which I have forgotten.

I drive them now with a Rogue Stereo 90, super magnum edition. I went from Thiels driven by a Rogue Zeus. Since I was making a big jump to the Devores, I decided to stay with Rogue at first since I was familiar with the sound and extremely happy with the people behind the product. I wanted to get the new speakers in my room and settle in with the option to changes amps -- and have options when making that choice later on.

The Devores Nines are absolutely marvelous speakers, having the ability to get the snap and punch of music "just about exactly perfect." All the detail from top to bottom is there, but none of it obscures the music itself.

I've had fun rolling all sorts of power tubes in and out of the Stereo 90 over the past months, and through it all the Devores shined.

Any of the amps you have listed above should do well to get you started. I'm interested in checking out more than just low-powered tubes or SETs with the Devores. I'm curious about a Pass amp or LFD.

For now, though, I'm happy to stay put for a bit. I think I've bought more new music since I've had the Devores in hand than in the last five years or so combined. That's probably the best sign of a great speaker.