Lot of good comments.
I had a pair of O/93 but then had a chance on pair of O/96 and "upgraded". In my room, and to my eras both are great. No overwhelming bass - the speakers are far from the back wall. About 2 feet from side walls. After 50+ pairs of speakers it is possibly the end of the road for me.
I use Shindo entry level electronics (which these speakers are being voiced to/by?). John DeVore is a big fan of Shindo...
I used several other tube and SS (mostly vintage) gear with the O/96 but they sound by far the best with Shindo.
I would recommend that you check them out with Shindo as well as try in your home.
For reference - my McIntosh Mc30 and MX-110Z cost me as much and don't sound (with or without Devore) as good. YMMV.
I had a pair of O/93 but then had a chance on pair of O/96 and "upgraded". In my room, and to my eras both are great. No overwhelming bass - the speakers are far from the back wall. About 2 feet from side walls. After 50+ pairs of speakers it is possibly the end of the road for me.
I use Shindo entry level electronics (which these speakers are being voiced to/by?). John DeVore is a big fan of Shindo...
I used several other tube and SS (mostly vintage) gear with the O/96 but they sound by far the best with Shindo.
I would recommend that you check them out with Shindo as well as try in your home.
For reference - my McIntosh Mc30 and MX-110Z cost me as much and don't sound (with or without Devore) as good. YMMV.