Designers -who's been around the longest ?

I vote for John Curl (Parasound) and Morris Kessler (SAE), both began in the late 60s. 

Showing 1 response by glabachf

William Johnson of audio research fame and Sid Smith of Marantz fame  must  be considered.

Kenneth Stevens of cat can't  should not be overlooked.
He has continued to improve his  products and they must be reckoned with in the marketplace 

Unlike curl, pass and Tim, who are legendary designers, ken built and builds products that are arguably state of the art.

You have to be both a great engineer and know all the audiophile tricks to produce a great sounding product-and he knows them all.

For all of curls, tim’s and pass’s greatness I have never felt they produced a great sounding product that I had to have.