Describe your Totem Arro System

Greetings folks,
Recently picked up a new pair of Totem Arro floorstanders (along with Totem DreamCatcher center and surrounds, and totem Storm sub).

For those of you Audiogoners who have a pair of Arros, what else is in your system? Electronics, speaker cables, IC's? Using them just for 2-channel listening, or also within a HT system?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by headshrinker2

Hey Dwhitt,
Thanks so much for the thoughtful and detailed reply. Very helpful.

All those amps you listed, did you own all of those at one time.. or just audition them?

On the Audioquest cable, when you said p4- are these the "Type 4" or something different? Also, have you usually run single wire to your Arros or biwire? Did biwiring make much of a difference to your ears?

I am greatly enjoying my Arros so far. My Arros are starting out as the mains in my HT system, but I have a funny feeling they are going to end up in their own little comfy 2-channel listening room w/ some nice electronics.
Thanks for the reply. What sized room is this system in? What kind of music do you primarily listen to? Is this your main or secondary system? Did bi-amping them make a significant difference? Have you tried other integrated amps with the Arros over the years?