Dereneville Magic-Mat

I hadent intended to open yet another tt mat discussion, but just to hear of any other members experience with this mat. One member asked about this on a recent thread, but I couldent find a response. The only decent review I could find was this -

Showing 3 responses by lastperfectdaymusic

Ok I found at last a review. I Iike the idea that it is washable.The edge looks a bit unfinished,but at the end it is the enhancement of the listening experience that counts. The other clever part of the design is that it sort of bonds with the record,which t my way of thinking improves the vibration damping qualities. it doesent however stick to the record when you lift it off.
Update,found this on a German page called MINT.
Who wants to achieve a different sound on the pad, is facing a huge range of possibilities. Whether cork, felt or plastic - every base has its own sound character. We did a test in issue 6 and compared the felt mat that previously lay on the editor's plate player with other pads. Our favorite was the Magic Mat of Dereneville. The mat is only 0.38 millimeters thick and consists of a silicone coated fiberglass fabric that is washable and antistatic. In fact, the sound was audibly optimized by the flexidisc-like mat - compared to the felt mat, the sound was punchier and punchier, and we also felt that the music sounded a bit more precise. Because we have been using the mat for two years now,
Thanks  mre28m5, thats a great review and testimony. I wasent aware of the headshell mat. They are not cheap but in the context of this type of improvement, gives them great value.