Denon DVD-2910 excessive vibration?

I was wondering if it is normal for the Denon 2910 to vibrate with authority? While playing CDs the vibration starts out strong on track 1 and then slowly diminishes with each track to nothing by the time the CD is over. I can't imagine the vibration is good for sound qualty.
I had one of the first 5900's that had a violent transport grinding/lockup problem which at times was just an annoying vibration.
My second 5900 had no problems except macro blocking.
My first 3910 was DOA, so i brought it back to a local dealer.
The second powered up fine....but would not pass btb via dvi, had a green push, macro blocking, occasional DTS dropout and the upconversion button would not function after a few days.

Some say that made in China means nothing....but its very ironic that Denons Q/C issues were a lot higher, directly after they started making all there players in China.
I compared an Onkyo sp 1000 to the 3910, and slightly preffered the Onkyo's picture, as well as highly preffering the audio as well as build quality and dependibility.

I beleive Pioneer Elite also has a good rep for not having Q/C issues....but imo, Denon as of the last couple years has been a let down from the quality they once had.
Wahoo envy, please let me know if you get a repair, or if you hear of a "fix" for the vibration. You mentioned that Denon said it shouldn't vibrate, so did they say they could repair the problem? Thanks
I would venture to guess, that if your Denon unit is consistantly vibrating significantly on most or all disks, that would signify a problem with the transport unit. If it just happens on the occasional disk and is not shaking to the point that you can actually hear it, then that would probably be within tolerance. As I said, my machine just vibrates on a few disks, most are fine so that would indicate to me that I don't have a problem with the transport. Also depends on your interpretation of vibration. A slight vibration when the disk is spinning I believe is normal.
If anyone can actually identify a known problem with the 2910 and report the fix, please do.
I don't put any credence in the "off-center disc" theory.

My Yamaha S1500 played perfectly for seven months, then, started with the vibration business. It does it only on DVD and only after the unit has played a few discs previously. Sometimes a disc that has "vibrated" will later play OK. I think it's a lousy motor or motor bearings.
I would not argue that Theduke's player does not have a problem. Or that others who have posted describing their issues with their players may not actually have mechanical problems. I am just describing the experience that I had with my player. I find that 3 or 4 of my CDs consistantly vibrate. I made copies of a couple of them and the copies don't vibrate at all. DVDs don't vibrate nor do my SACDs. This dosn't change if the player is cold or warm or how many CDs I have played before. So I put out the theory that it may be the disks being out of balance that is causing it. The mscience article I mentioned above seems to support that.