Denafrips FPGA Firmware Update

In case there are any Denafrips DAC owners out there that are not aware of the FPGA Firmware Update, here's the link:

I did the update on my Ares II earlier today and am currently enjoying the results.  It is definitely an improvement without question.


FWIW I found the v3.7 on my TP to be better than v1.0.  I also have an Iris that while if functions properly playing over I2S, I need to reset the pin out to switch between PCM and DSD.

I also found the USB is now better than the I2S (wasn't so with v1.0) so I am keeping v3.7.  I have a Lampizator Golden Gate and use that as a reference to judge the change from v1.0 to v3.7.  

I suggest giving it a try, but let it burn in for a few hundred hours before listening.

Also I was using NOS, now I find OS with sharp filter cleaner and more pleasing especially with 16/44 files.


@anzaanimalclinic Thanks for sharing your experience. I had reservations about TP running V3.7 fw at the beginning due to added brightness to my system even after hundreds of hours of burn-in, although it did give more details, focus, and transparency to the sound. A week ago I changed XLR IC from pure silver to copper (Oyaide TUNAMI TERZO XX V2), left it on 24/7 with V3.7. I listened to the system again this morning, it sounded much better, the brightness has been tamed. Yes, I also like the OS mode now as it is more dynamic and 3-D,  the sound in NOS mode in comparison is somewhat muddied and flattened.  I prefer slow filter for my system. It just sounds more natural.  This was done with USB connection only, I didn't compare with Iris DDC I2S connection since I don't like having to switch I2S settings between FLAC and DSD playback. I'll give the DDC away to a friend ;)  


I have a Terminator Plus.....tried every firmware available.....i was kind of happy with the latest firmware (3.7) as it was a mix of the first firmware and the 3.6 version........ but as many others, i have some micro distortions in the tweeter and mid drivers f my ATC50....not in all songs but i think was a random problem....burn in? maybe....but i could not live with those I flashed with 1.0 and my dac came alive again!.....

if the micro distortions are a  common issue within many users why dont vinshine or denafrips check and correct this problem...i think they are doing many good things and i really appreciate that we can have the possibility of "playing" with different firmwares...but please you have to correct this kind of problems or else we will start to hate or dacs!!



FYI. Denafrips is still working on a fix for I2S in old DDCs that are not compatible with the DAC running updated firmware. It seems more complicated than updating DAC. Here is what Vinshine tech support said this morning:

"The latest DDC are already installed with the latest firmware update which includes similar i2s optimization as the 12th firmware for the DAC. As a result, the i2s will be compatible.

Regrettably, the firmware update process for the DDC is more complex compared to the DAC, primarily due to limitations imposed by chipset variants.

The firmware update process may not be straightforward, and it could potentially require a programming tool. This could make it more challenging for customers to perform the update on their own.

Consequently, we are still exploring for a feasible solution to get this fix. "

Maybe i missed it, is it possible currently to revert to the original firmware if needed? ( I have been sitting on the fence w.r.t the Venus update.)