Demise of bass quality in Main speakers

When I was shopping for new speakers in addition it became quite clear that modern day main speakers are being made with smaller bass drivers. And to get larger bass drivers you have to go up to alot more expensive models and still they or on the small side.

The Industry came up with a solution for bass challenged main speakers - buy two subwoofers to solve the problems of the modern age main speaker. And subwoofers now being sold in pairs have 8 inch or 10 inch driver sizes, which are still not big enough unless you spend a lot more money.

I bought a subwoofer with a 12 inch driver 20 years ago, thankfully. When I looked at the newer subwoofers the speaker manufacturer told me that he gets many comments stating that the fullness and rumble ability of modern day subwoofers have been substantially diminished, and he agreed. Isn’t this what subwoofers are all about. Why would I need a subwoofer for better define the lower base area. Fortunately I bought very nice main speakers which had a range spec down to 20 Hz and the bass driver size is 8 inches but I had to pay more to get this larger size.

Why do people put up with this? Put larger bass drivers in Main speakers and then you won’t have as many people complaining about Poor bass quality. Doesn’t this make sense?


Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

You make it clear, to get lots of clean bass out of FL/FR speakers is quite expensive.

It’s not only the size of the woofer, it is also about the excursion, and the power to control it OUT/IN/STOP.

I have 1 of these in my small home theater, self powered, it has a 1,000. watt amp with a serious magnet within. Enough to add Dinosaur Stomp.

For music, to keep the Main FL and FR affordable, I would add a stereo pair of these or similar: front facing; no ports! Locate them adjacent to your front speakers, adjust the crossover and volume.

Low bass starts mono, but the overtones are directional, thus a stereo pair from location of mains.

Taking the low bass away from both the speakers and the stereo amp, lets you use a smaller/lighter/less costly amp, easier to locate for remote signals; AND you are setup to try tubes sometime, same advantages as just mentioned.

Removing the need to produce low bass from your main speakers lets them do a better job of upper bass: then the cones are not too small, the magnets are not too small, the drivers are no longer trying to do too much!