Dell purchase

Hi folks,

I am considering buying a Dell computer. I don't have a strong desire to *play* music through my computer, but I would like to be able to copy CDs, and especially record my LPs to CD. I'd want to experiment and see the quality.

Dell offers a CD/CDR/CDW device with their machines. No brand name listed! (Just "Dell"). Any sense of the quality for these purposes?

Also they offer a choice of two "premium" sound cards. I understand sound card quality is important when recording from analog sources. Choices are: the Sound Blaster "Live" (this is a step down from the top-of-the-line soundblaster) and the "Turtle Beach Santa Cruz". Any thoughts on these two sound cards?

Or are these parts too low-quality, such that I should just buy a "bare" box and add better quality parts?

Thanks for any thoughts!

Showing 1 response by kthomas

Gboren's advice is spot-on. For CD copying, it will work flawlessly - I've copied many hundreds of my CDs to load into changers. You get the occassional fault (which is immediately identified and you throw the blank away), but in general you get a perfect copy 99% of the time. For recording from vinyl, you'll want to buy a much better sound card. Buying the Dell and adding a high-end soundcard will get you exactly what you want. -Kirk