ive been curious about dehav. pre amps for a long time...
deHavilland "Mercury 2" Preamp - anyone?
OK, so based on some recommendations from other Audiogoners, and the * 30-day home trial period* , I ordered a deHavilland Mercury 2 tubed linestage which I should receive within the next 2 weeks.
As I understand it - it provides jaw-dropping soundstage, dynamics and is "timbrally pure." It uses a "type 85 tube" Im not familiar with, and some "cascode" circuity, maybe someone can educate me here. Also point-to-point wiring and top, top shelf components throughout.
According to their designer and marketing people, it competes with preamps in the $15-20K range, even though it retails for only $3995. Too good to be true? I will decide, and if it aint everything its cracked up to be.... It goes back for a full refund. I think more manufacturers shoud offer that option - it shows real confidence.
Right now I am sans preamp (running the Audio Aero Capitole MK II, SE Version into a fully modded Berning ZH270, driving Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's, with wiring by stereovox and electra glide epiphany's all around)
Here's a link:
your thoughts?
As I understand it - it provides jaw-dropping soundstage, dynamics and is "timbrally pure." It uses a "type 85 tube" Im not familiar with, and some "cascode" circuity, maybe someone can educate me here. Also point-to-point wiring and top, top shelf components throughout.
According to their designer and marketing people, it competes with preamps in the $15-20K range, even though it retails for only $3995. Too good to be true? I will decide, and if it aint everything its cracked up to be.... It goes back for a full refund. I think more manufacturers shoud offer that option - it shows real confidence.
Right now I am sans preamp (running the Audio Aero Capitole MK II, SE Version into a fully modded Berning ZH270, driving Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage's, with wiring by stereovox and electra glide epiphany's all around)
Here's a link:
your thoughts?