Definition: Excessive woofer cone excursion

Could someone describe and/or explain the meaning of "excessive woofer cone excursion"?

The reason I ask this is I am looking to into purchasing a pair of Bryston's 7B-ST amps. These amps are rated at 500 watts a channel. My Paradigm Studio 100's are rated up to 350 watts of input. As I understand it, I could drive my Studio 100's with the Brystons as long as I keep the listening level at a point which does not cause excessive woofer cone excursion. But what exactly is excessive woofer cone excursion?


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RWWEAR is right. You can never have too much power...clean power that is.
My speakers are rated at a senstivity of 93db. My amplifiers can pump a minimum of 1200 watts/channel of good clean Krell power into them. Can't hurt them unless I forget to take my psychiatric medicine and go off the deep end.

Don't worry about having too much power; go for it!

Richard Diamond