Definitely lonely to be an audiophile

Today Ricardo Arjona is broadcasting a virtual concert, I know most of you English natives don't care, but let's imagine is someone you like from "these" times, English speaking artist.

The neighbors have a crappy TV streaming the concert, really bad quality, my wife is upstairs watching on TV, really bad as well.

I do like his songs so I'm in my living room listening to his previous Hires records, on my super system, and I can hear next door the TV broadcasting and I'm wondering what the heck, am I crazy, I rather be alone enjoying the sound from previous Hires recordings, than socially sharing that "noise", it does makes me lonely though, I like social interactions, it is who I am, but definitely being an audiophile makes you an outcast. Just another dilemma, acceptance is bliss
Good night everybody


Showing 1 response by rhodes

  Great replys to a great thread.  Listing session starts abour 7pm for me and ends about 10 or when I fall a sleep. About 1 hr in ,Louie the dog whines at the door. Won't  stop till I  let him in. He  goes to sleep fast. Not a music critic. The best audiophile friend I could have. But most of all as I listen to the misic and fiddle with the equpiment  I am thankfull for all the geniuses that made this happen for me. Thank you all.