Definitely lonely to be an audiophile

Today Ricardo Arjona is broadcasting a virtual concert, I know most of you English natives don't care, but let's imagine is someone you like from "these" times, English speaking artist.

The neighbors have a crappy TV streaming the concert, really bad quality, my wife is upstairs watching on TV, really bad as well.

I do like his songs so I'm in my living room listening to his previous Hires records, on my super system, and I can hear next door the TV broadcasting and I'm wondering what the heck, am I crazy, I rather be alone enjoying the sound from previous Hires recordings, than socially sharing that "noise", it does makes me lonely though, I like social interactions, it is who I am, but definitely being an audiophile makes you an outcast. Just another dilemma, acceptance is bliss
Good night everybody


Showing 3 responses by keegiam

I'm not sure the "vast majority" of audiophiles are lonely.  Who can be sure?  There's no research, so everything is anecdotal.  Some are, some aren't.

I've been an "audiophile" for over 45 years and never felt isolated to the point of loneliness; my social life is fine.  I can count on one hand the number of friends I've had who enjoyed listening intently, without conversation.  Most serious listening is solo.  Works for me.

I don't mean to pontificate, but if you're feeling lonely and that obsession with music playback is part of the cause, look inward and ask yourself if you're happy with it.  Some are.  If you're not, you might want to seek more balance.
**** It is more of a question to myself if I am ok just listening alone or instead I should "try" to be more social and forget about the obsession ****

Anyone can be both social (i.e., have many friends and pursuits apart from enjoying music playback) and a devoted audiophile/"music lover" when alone.  Just keep your non-audiophile connections going.

As many have posted, we mostly do this high end thing solo.  All is well.  Hopefully you will find a few friends that get into it.  If not, see above.

Your career interests me because our arenas seem to have some commonality.  If you'd like to share details, please send me a private message.  If not, I understand perfectly.  I've only exchanged private messages with one member so far!