strikes me this thread is as much about loneliness as it is about being an audiophile
loneliness is an important topic... everyone should think through what makes them happy and what is rich and what may be missing from their lives -- if one feels lonely, it can be addressed in numerous ways
being an audiophile does commit one to spending a decent amount of time in this usually solitary pursuit (as others have mentioned) - like much in a building good, happy life, finding the right balance is key, as is the right frame of mind to address challenges life brings...
loneliness is an important topic... everyone should think through what makes them happy and what is rich and what may be missing from their lives -- if one feels lonely, it can be addressed in numerous ways
being an audiophile does commit one to spending a decent amount of time in this usually solitary pursuit (as others have mentioned) - like much in a building good, happy life, finding the right balance is key, as is the right frame of mind to address challenges life brings...