DeepChord presents Echospace

This week they released Silent World (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) in many forms...vinyl, digital and CD, all being a bit different. I've been listening to the 71 minute mixed version and the digital unmixed version for near 2 days straight. This is epic, a truly special composition that pulses, breaths and possess it's own soul. A captivating soundtrack to a movie that does not exist...or does it?

DeepChord/Echospace are Rod Modell and Stephan Hitchell and whatever the moniker they release under (Variant, Soultek, Intrusion, cv313 etc...) if you are a fan of dub techno you know them from the first note. For 10+ years they have taken on what Basic Channel and the like established and defined the Detroit sound. Using mostly analog instruments, vintage gear and tape they have crafted a catalog of classic material that culminated with 2007's Modern Love release "The Coldest Season", a masterpiece of deep, hypnotic waves that resides firmly on my best of all time list. These are special artists of our day.

This new record raises the bar even higher. Very different than The Coldest Season, an evolution into deeper groove, warmer and more alive. It grows roots from the hazy, ambient intro In Echospace and builds to the throbbing, tribal BNC Dub and Hydrodynamics, my 2 favorite tracks at the moment. This record is a journey, it has pace, movement and control. It's patient and it captivates. It's composition that has a soul.

As usual, I know this genre is not for all here in the Agon music forum. I also am sure there are some members that do enjoy it as much as I and others that are interested in exploring some of what is being done outside of their typical travels. It's an album that moves me and one of the better releases I havee heard in quite some time.
You seem pretty open-minded Richard...have you heard Talvekoidik? Check out this track...
Synthfreek - Interesting artist. I recall seeing one of their records out on the web and hearing samples (the one with the black and white abstract cover). That track you linked is good. In some ways it reminds me of the stuff you are doing with Larvae (which I love), just heavier and less open space. Have you heard the Vatican Shadows/Christian Cosmos stuff?
Just wanted to let you know that a couple of cv313 recordings are FINALLY available on CD. also, i can't get enough of marko furstenberg's work....too bad none of it is on redbook, as i don't have a turntable setup right now, so i have to make do streaming it through youtube (yuck, but better than nothing)

Synthfreak-Yagya sounds great to my ear, and i plan to explore more from this artist.

This thread is the guft that keeps on many great recommendations from you both!
So, if I'm gonna give this a shot, pick one album for me.

My tastes are pretty broad - pretty to tuneful to noisy to quiet intensity (Sondheim to Fleetwood Mac to Clash to Hiss Golden Messenger) - but this genre may exist outside that spectrum. I can also do a little reggae to Phillip Glass on ocassion, which might get me closer (or might not, I'm not sure where the range of this stuff starts and ends). Still, pick a starting point for me.

wow came across this post whilst researching new dub techno/electro albums to explore/purchase (i'm a big claro intelecto fan).  A lot of these releases are really pricey on discogs now.  Thought i would get the thread going again to get some album & dj mix tips.  It's hard to find nuggets in this genre

great mix:

all time classic:
