Deep Cleaning Records With Steam?

It has happened again. Major tweak and record provider has available a steam cleaner made especially for records. Anybody try steam for cleaning lp’s? What were your results? Since a unit can be had for about $20 at Target, 15% of what the tweak provider is charging, is it worth a try?.

Showing 5 responses by allvinyl

Just saw this steamer. Appears close to the Mapleshade and other units mentioned regularly. Only $20.00 plus shipping.
I have read this thread but still have some questions for Crem1. Do you begin your current steam regimen by placing the LP on your RCM with the jar remover covering the LP label? I believe it would be easier to control the actual steaming as the spinning LP on the RCM would allow you to position the steamer over the LP starting at the inner grooves and moving slowly toward the LP rim in a straight line like a straight line tracking tonearm. Also I think you said you hold the nozzle close enough to the LP such that the steam pattern is about the size of a dime. Correct? Does that imply that the nozzle is pointing straight down at the record as opposed to holding it at an agle? I am concerned about the amount of moisture that would be deposited on my VPI 17F. Is that an issue on the RCM? I will probably have more questions, but first I need to get a steamer. I will probably try the Walgreen's unit first. TIA for your answers/advice. John
Stltrains: your response has given me the confidence to at least try steaming on the VPI. I have more questions.

Do you use the Walgreen's steamer?
How far from the LP do you hold the steamer?
What nozzle are you using?

Crem1: Checked out the Monster 1200 on the web site. Intriguing, but I think you could be more judicious with the cleaning fluids by applying them directly to the LP as you have always described. I am still going to try the Perfection first, hoping someone takes the plunge for the Monster and can report their results. I am out of work right now so discretionary $$ is at a premium. Anyone need a Storage/UNIX admin in the Twin Cities area? ;-)

For cleaning fluids, I will be trying the RRL Super Cleaner, L'Art du Son, and DD. I am also intrigued by the enzyme cleaners from AVIS and Walker but don't have any on hand. I have been using the RRL SC and LAdS fluid with good results but expect the noted improvements by adding steam. I'm also going to try without any fluid at all as one contributor says he feels the steam obviates the need for any cleaning fluids. I'll report back when I have been able to get the steamer and have cleaned some LPs. I have several good test cases that I can use as my free time has allowed me to do a lot of record cleaning lately so I can listen to these already cleaned records, steam, and re-listen. Can't wait!
Crem1 and Jahaira:

Do you think it is possible to have to much pressure? Perhaps with the Monster 1200?

Once up to heat and pressure, how much steam time do you get with the Perfection?