Dedicated Power line

I am going to be putting in a dedicated line for use with my stereo. I am thinking two 20A lines should do the the trick, as this will allow me to separate the digital from the analog. The electrician is comming on Saturday, so my question is are there any specific questions/requests I should make to him? Also, I know there are one or two "upgraded" outlets, but am not sure of which to use. Any reasonably priced suggestions? Thanks for the info Jim
I'm using the CAT Ultimate and live in Wash., DC. The only place you won't get RFI is in the basement.
Just thinking out loud, I have all my equipment on a fireplace hearth in my dedicated listening room. "See there is a use for the living room after the family room is built". Anyway my tubed pre-amp is right in the opening of the fireplace and all my cords are in the fireplace. I have no noise that is audible, even if the volumn is full up. I'm wondering if all the masonry is shielding me from some of the RFI. The fireplace sits between the equipment and the city of Minneapolis (about 15 miles away). Does anyone have any thought on this.
I put in dedicated lines. Sorry, but almost no matter what, in my experience, the tubed phono stage will pick up RFI. But put in the dedicated lines because they'll help the system sound better.
Thanks for the input It is true that I am battling a major RF storm here. I live in SF and I want to use tubes. I orginally had a PV10A with a dna .5 and never had a problem. I bought a PFR (solid state), which worked fine, but every phono pre I bring home (three so far) picks up RF! I hear radio stations, you know. Weird thing is my PV10, using the phono section out the tape monitor to the PFR, has nearly no problem. I now have a VAC Avatar and though I have only had it a few hours, I am running in the RF again. I guess I am hoping a dedecated line will help, and I figure no matter what it can't hurt. As it is now, even in the best setup I get ticks through the speaker every time the heat goes on. Let me know any other ideas. Jim
Outlets: Use the Pass & Seymour 5242 Less than $10.00 and really rocks. I would second the motion to use grounding rod (or multiple rods) at your breaker box. Improving your ground can really help whatever shielding is integrated in your power cords. The 10 Gauge Romex is more than enough (your electrician will think your nuts). It is more difficult to run 10 Gauge and I don't know if it is really necessary but what the hell. Some people have went so far as to twist the romex and make sure all runs are through galvanized conduit. They ground the conduit for aditional shielding. I think this is overkill but once again...what the hell. If you make sure your electrian doesn't run any of your dedicated lines next to other sources of power (once again..your electrian will think your nuts) you should be fine. Finally, use good power cables. You don't have to spend a fortune on the damn things. Start with the DIY Belden cable and if you want to upgrade later.. you will at least have a good reference to compare. The power cables are less than $50.00 and like I said the Pass & Seymour outlets are less than $10.00. I've compared a lot of the Hubbel & Levinton Hosptial grade outlets and I think the Pass & Seymour is better. At least in my system.
Jim, good show! I have read many posts throughout Audiogon where audiophiles have purchased expensive Line Conditioners and high priced power cords to allieviate a hum or noise problem. Often times these expensive accessories mask the real problem or cause additional problems when connected to a poor source of power. Dedicated lines are the best first step. I would recommend that your electricial segregate the grounds for the analog outlet and digital outlet and tie them together at your breaker box. This will be the best protection against ground loops. A ground rod is also a good idea if you do not already have one. Have him use the heaviest gauge wire you can. Code may call for #12 wire but #10 would be better. Lastly, your electrician will be able to accomplish the job quickly and safely. Do not try this yourself unless you have done this before and know what you are doing. Good luck and good listening.
I used Hubbell Audiophile grade outlets @ 2 for $25. from the Cable Co.. Of course it took me a few days to get them as I live out in the boondocks. If you need them ASAP, I think Hubbell, and others make good quality Hospital grade outlets that also work well.